James Franco Says Spring Breakers 2 "Will Be a Terrible Film"

Publish date: 2021-04-14

Well, okay then! James Franco is clearly not on board for Spring Breakers 2.

The This Is The End actor took to his Instagram account on Wednesday, May 14 to tell fans the sequel to the controversial 2013 film "is not being done with Harmony Korine or my consent." He added, "it will be a horrible film."

The Harmony Korine-directed movie told the story of four young women, played by Selena Gomez, Ashley Benson, Vanessa Hudgens, and the director's wife Rachel Korine, who have a wild spring break, which takes a turn for the dramatic after a cocaine binge, robbery, and ensuing arrest.

PHOTOS: Selena Gomez at the Spring Breakers premiere

In the rant, which comes days after news broke a sequel is in the works, the 36-year-old continued to say producers behind the follow-up are "capitalizing on that innovative film to make money on a weak sequel," and urged "everyone to know that whoever is involved in the sequel is jumping on board a poison ship."

However, it appears there's no reason to fret as none of the original cast will be back for round two.

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"It’s not a direct sequel, although there are allusions to some of the characters in the original," production company Wild Bunch's Vincent Maraval told Screen Daily on May 6 of the film, dubbed Spring Breakers: The Second Coming

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