How Sissy Cooper Fits Into 'The Umbrella Academy' Season 3 Storyline

Publish date: 2022-04-13


A recap of what happened to Sissy Cooper in season 2 of 'The Umbrella Academy' and how she fits into the story in season 3.

Published on June 22, 2022

2 min read

Sissy Cooper (Marin Ireland) appears in The Umbrella Academy Season 3. Sissy’s life continued after Viktor (Elliot Page) and her family stopped the end of the world (again) in season 2 of the Netflix series. Find out what happened to Sissy in the restored timeline and how she fits into season 3.

[SPOILER ALERT: Major spoilers ahead for The Umbrella Academy Season 3.]

Viktor falls in love with Sissy in ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 2

Viktor first met Sissy Cooper in 1963 Texas. Sissy and her family — husband Carl Cooper (Stephen Bogaert) and son Harlan (Justin Paul Kelly) — help rehab Viktor, who experiences memory loss after traveling back in time to correct the apocalypse she created at the end of season 1. 

Soon, Viktor and Sissy begin having an affair behind Carl’s back. When he finds out, he threatens to send Harlan to an institution. Together, Sissy and Viktor plan their escape, but when Viktor uses his powers against Carl’s police officer brother, he is believed to be a Russian weapon and handed over to the FBI. 

Ultimately, Viktor escapes and tries to get Sissy to return to 2019, but Sissy fears what will happen to Harlan in the new timeline. Instead, she and Harlan drive to New Mexico at the end of The Umbrella Academy Season 2. 

Sissy Cooper died on Oct. 1, 1989 

In The Umbrella Academy Season 3, we finally find out what happened to Sissy after Viktor returned to his original timeline. Sissy and Harlan moved around a lot because of his abilities. She even found love with another woman, who was scared off after Harlan accidentally killed the family pet.

Eventually, Sissy came down with cancer. She died from her illness on Oct. 1, 1989 — the day the Umbrellas were supposed to be born. But in the new timeline, their mothers are all dead. Distraught, Harlan’s powers caused a blast that killed the mothers of the Hargreeves siblings, which means they never existed in the season 3 timeline of The Umbrella Academy. 

Viktor tries to do right by Sissy in ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 3 

A grown Harlan (Callum Keith Rennie), who first appears as Lester Pocket in season 3, finds Viktor in his new timeline. Fearful of his powers, Harlan thinks there’s a way to transfer them back to Viktor. Wanting to do right by Sissy and take care of Harlan, Viktor agrees. On the other hand, Viktor’s siblings view Harlan as a threat — they saw what he is capable of in the season 2 finale, and knowing he’s responsible for the death of their mothers adds to that turmoil. 

Despite Viktor’s best efforts, Allison’s (Emmy Raver-Lampman) rage gets the best of her. Allison kills Harlan as a show of good faith to the Sparrow Academy to get back to the correct timeline so she can be with her daughter, Claire. 

Stream season 3 of The Umbrella Academy on Netflix
